Catching on has never really been my problem.
Holding on is another matter entirely!
I have noticed, with no small amount of shame, that there are a few lessons in this life that just don't seem to stick the first time around.
As a result, I am inevitably doomed to repeat said lessons until they do stick!
The latest life lesson in my do-over department is to
Seize the Day or
Let go and let God or
Do not squander today wishing for tomorrow or
Take time to smell the roses . . . the platitudes abound.
You know what I mean though. We get so caught up in the day to day drama of life that we
forget the lilies (Matthew 6:25-27),
forget our source of peace (Isaiah 26:3),
forget to simply be still (Psalm 46:10)!
I have come to realize, again and again, that there is a blessed freedom in throwing up my hands and admitting that I have control over absolutely nothing.
I have no control. Nothing ultimately depends on me.
I don't make the plan, therefore I take no blame when said plan falls apart!
Although. . . if I don't make the plan, I don't know the plan. And if I don't know the plan, how do I know if - from my limited point of view - the plans are indeed falling apart or simply progressing as the Good Lord intended?!
It boggles my sieve-like mind.
As I've said, this "letting go" isn't exactly a new revelation. (Let's call it recurring.)
I've given my worries and cares to God many times!
Only to slink in later and take them back
because I'm a control freak and problems weren't getting solved fast enough for my liking - thank-you-very-much!
(God knows it's true - why sugar coat it?)
Over the last two months, this lesson has been
Here I stand, ready to run - not walk - to the Almighty. And in a state of absolute jubilation, lay everything down at His feet then head straight for the dancing-in-the-streets-like-David portion of the event!
My back is empty of burden, my brow has nary a furrow, and I'm ready to trust God and enjoy life to the fullest!
When God is in control, all is right with the world. Even when it isn't.